Say “palliative care” and most people imagine cancer patients being made comfortable in a hospice setting. But, palliative care is actually a new medical specialty that has recently emerged, and it is not same as hospice. It doesn’t serve only the dying. Instead, it focuses more broadly on improving life and providing comfort to people of all ages with serious, chronic, and life-threatening illnesses. Nowadays, a vast majority of medical schools have palliative care certification for nurses.
This has become one of the specialized fields in which many nursing practitioners choose to work. Jobs in palliative care can be among the most emotionally demanding in the nursing industry, but they can also be among the most rewarding. The most challenging aspect of the job, according to many in the industry, is to work daily with patients who suffer from terminal illnesses. Therefore, palliative care is more than a philosophy and delivery of care.
The palliative care nursing programs will provide the learner new knowledge to enhance their skill in administering complex palliative care. Participants in this intensive program will learn about advanced palliative care concepts, complex symptom management, and practical applications of palliative care programming in the acute, post-acute, and ambulatory settings.
So, if you are looking forward to earning a specialization in this rewarding field of nursing, then join the Graduate Certificate course in Palliative Care offered by INSCOL and become a part of human service areas!