Nursing care or the practice of nursing provides health care and addresses the physical, mental and emotional suffering of patients with terminal diseases. As per the research conducted by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), almost 80% percent of nursing programs are currently employed full time. Nursing is rapidly becoming the largest sector of employment in countries like Canada, New Zealand, USA, UK, Australia, and Ireland among others. Hence, a wide variety of nursing programs are available for Canadian health care industry, such as the palliative care, coronary care, nursing leadership and management, and critical care nursing programs.
The latest pan Canadian statistics, published by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), report that more registered nurses (19,124) are entering the profession to obtain a license to practice or to study nursing in Canada. The statistics show an increase (8.7%) in the proportion of young nurses in Canada associated with nursing care, optimizing the nursing workforce for achieving the positive health behavior.
The CIHI urges all the countries to consider Acute Complex Care nursing programs in their health care center. To do so, countries must surmount nursing statistics such as:
Nursing Statistics in Canada
As per the College of Nurses in Ontario, the health care sector employing 18.4% of nursing care providers was among the top five employers. Compared to 2016, the nursing care industry has seen an increase in the number of registered nurses (RNs) and staff nurses (SNs).
- RNs continue to top the chart as the most significant sector of employment at 64.9%, followed by visiting nurses at 3.7%.
- The Staff Nursing (SNs) sector increase in the role of nursing agency at 68.2%, issued by public health nurses at 2.9%.
The Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI) is the national voice for Critical Care Nursing Programs in Canada. Canadian Association of Critical care Nurses (CACCN) estimated that since 2008, the supply of registered nurses grew by 8.9%. It is projected to increase to 60% by 2020. Influence of Critical Care Nursing is consistent, with the vast majority of Canadians (94%) being supportive. The Canadian Institute of Health Information is expectant that the skilled nurses arranged as caregivers will grow in numbers, leading to improved care for all Canadians at the verge of life, and for those caring for them. Hence, Critical Care Nursing Programs, for advanced study of Nursing in Canada, are aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of all nursing care workforce who are caring or working for those individuals living with advanced diseases.