4 Beautiful Reasons That Should Make You Feel Proud to Be a Nurse

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in charge nurse responsibilities

As a nurse, you will see life, both the beginning and the end. ‘Nurse’ has been undoubtedly just another word, another single word to describe a human who is strong and soft, simultaneously. It’s more than just a job. It turns out to be a way of life. From planning, bandaging, healing, encouraging, supporting, listening and understanding to the wide and specialized fields, nursing is a gentle mixture of art and science. Agree? We know you would.

Nursing is a work of heart and if it’s just another day, you doubt your skills and the appreciation nursing profession has to offer, have a look at these 4 beautiful reasons you should be proud to be a nurse or a nursing student-

You Make a Positive Contribution

If there is any heart of health care, nursing is the heartbeat of it. As a nurse, you automatically tend to care for a healthier tomorrow. This way you contribute towards it. You do not only work at the bedside of the patient. Notably, nurses are currently working as researchers, administrators, educators and even policy makers. It makes it possible for you to bring a positive difference in an individual’s life and the entire population as a whole.

You Have Educational Perks

The education you’re acquired with during your nursing programs does not only apply to your patients at your workplace. You certainly end up being aware and more attentive to spot problems, which show up in your daily life routine. It’s not difficult anymore to see problems such as infections, bacteria, virus and more. You get to help and support your near ones, family and friends whenever they face any health problem. Adding, how about being more aware of your own health too? Focus!

You Get Unlimited Rewards

Perhaps, nursing is not at all about being glamorous. No high fashion either. However, it is always rewarding. In case you are a nurse already, you must have felt the bliss of being one. For instance, the reward of seeing your patient cure, doing good deeds for living, changing people’s lives, the respect and the hugs from the patients are all rewarding and content giving.

A Bright Careers Awaits You

Nursing education brings a guaranteed job. You will certainly always have a job. From administration offices to army, navy, everywhere we need nurses. You can work anywhere and wherever, if it pleases you to work. Unfortunately, people get sick. There is no recession to that fact. Nurses will be needed 24*7 and all the days of the year. Not only you can stay connected to humanity, you remain intact with technology as well. As a nurse, you learn and explore skills that are great and suitable for any other alternative career in the field of health care. Long way to go!

Do not forget to have a look at the various short-term training programs available at the INSCOL Centre of Continuing Education. You can always change your specialty. There’s a lot of variety. Did we forget to mention that medical series would be much more exciting for you as you pursue this career? Keep calm and study on!


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