Here are Five Unusual Yet Growing Nursing Jobs for You

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Do nurses only work in hospitals? Well, no, who-so-ever told you this, you should not believe this myth as propagated. These days there is an exceptional breakthrough of technology in the health care profession, thereby creating many specialization courses in nursing. For instance, Human Factors in Nursing, Advanced Airway Management, Peripheral IV Therapy, Advanced Neurological Assessment and the list of courses will go and on.

While, due to the emergence of technology, there is emergence of novel specialization courses and nursing work settings, there is always another side to the coin. This time, not negative, though.

Down here, we have listed five unusual yet growing nurses’ jobs that are interesting and non-traditional.

1. Blood Donation Nurse

Have you ever heard of one? This non-traditional nursing job listed first, describes nurse responsibilities as – playing a critical role in the clinical obligations of each blood donation session. Of course, there is no need to tell how important and vital is the blood donation process for the patients who need blood transfusion in order to survive.

2. Critical Care Transport Nurses

Probably, one of the most exciting careers to choose in the nursing profession is Critical Care Transport Nursing. These nurses take the entire responsibility for making all the necessary medical decisions while in an ambulance on the way to hospital or maybe while traveling in a life flight helicopter.

3. Holistic Nursing

As the name suggests, holistic nursing includes the recognition of the need to connect the mind, the body and the spirit. The focus of the nurse is to treat the person as a whole, and not merely the disease or the ailment.

4. Pediatric Home Health Care Provider

Do you like children? How about taking care of them becomes your profession. Not only you’ll do what you love, you’ll also love what you’ll do! A pediatric home healthcare provider can work in settings like a scheduled home care for children whose age will be under 21 years.

5. Poison Information Provider

There might be many poison stations out there. Yet, the need for poison control cannot be overlooked. Poison Information Provider in the nursing profession takes the responsibility of teaching the ways to avoid the issues and being a calm head in case of any emergency calls for help. For a fact, this field is in high demand these days.

Did you like these not-traditional nursing jobs? How about becoming a global nurse and leading a successful career? For more details visit –


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