Transform yourself into a Global Nurse with IELTS 6.0

Nurses, be a part of the Global Nurse Paradigm by exploring unique options with us for studying & working in Canada. Boost your nursing career by scoring as low as 6.0 in IELTS and pave your way overseas. 

Why choose IELTS over OET


Cost of Examination​

Cost of IELTS examination is on the lower side which is approx. INR 15,000 whereas cost of the OET examination is on the higher side which is approx. INR 30,000. If the desired outcome is not meeting the criteria then retaking the OET tests multiple times proves to be very costly as compared to IELTS. Preparation of the test multiple times cost money, time and energy


Acceptance of IELTS is worldwide whereas acceptance of OET is limited to a few countries, not only for education purposes but also for Visa requirements

Test dates

Availability and choice of test dates is more as compared to OET where IELTS test dates are available throughout the year. Online test is availaible everyday and test centre dates are available for approx. 48 dates in a year whereas OET has 24 dates in a year

Cost Of Coaching

Cost of coaching is low which is approx. INR approx. 7000 per month whereas the cost of coaching is more for OET which is INR approx. 9000 per month

Exam Centres

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET

Preparation Options

There are also 3 million IELTS test takers every year and only 25,000 OET takers. This means that there are far more preparation options for IELTS, ranging from a huge number of free options to online courses and coaching options. The range for OET is rather limited.

Cost of Coaching​

Cost of coaching is low which is approx. INR approx. 7000 per month whereas cost of coaching is more for OET which is INR approx. 9000 per month

Exam Centres

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET

Preparation Options

There are also 3 million IELTS test takers every year and only 25,000 OET takers. This means that there are far more preparation options for IELTS, ranging from a huge number of free options to online courses and coaching options. The range for OET is rather limited.

Cost of Examination​

Cost of IELTS examination is on the lower side which is approx. INR 15,000 whereas cost of the OET examination is on the higher side which is approx. INR 30,000. If the desired outcome is not meeting the criteria then retaking the OET tests multiple times proves to be very costly as compared to IELTS. Preparation of the test multiple times cost money, time and energy

Cost of Coaching​

Cost of coaching is low which is approx. INR approx. 7000 per month whereas the cost of coaching is more for OET which is INR approx. 9000 per month


Acceptance of IELTS is worldwide whereas acceptance of OET is limited to a few countries, not only for education purposes but also for Visa requirements

Exam Centres

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET

Test dates

Availability and choice of test dates is more as compared to OET where IELTS test dates are available throughout the year. Online test is availaible everyday and test centre dates are available for approx. 48 dates in a year whereas OET has 24 dates in a year

Preparation Options

There are also 3 million IELTS test takers every year and only 25,000 OET takers. This means that there are far more preparaon opons for IELTS, ranging from a huge number of free opons to online courses and coaching opons. The range for OET is rather limited.



Cost of Examination​

Cost of IELTS examination is on the lower side which is approx. INR 15,000 whereas cost of the OET examination is on the higher side which is approx. INR 30,000. If the desired outcome is not meeting the criteria then retaking the OET tests multiple times proves to be very costly as compared to IELTS. Preparation of the test multiple times cost money, time and energy


Acceptance of IELTS is worldwide whereas acceptance of OET is limited to a few countries, not only for education purposes but also for Visa requirements

Test dates

Availability and choice of test dates is more as compared to OET where IELTS test dates are available throughout the year. Online test is availaible everyday and test centre dates are available for approx. 48 dates in a year whereas OET has 24 dates in a year

Cost Of Coaching

Cost of coaching is low which is approx. INR approx. 7000 per month whereas the cost of coaching is more for OET which is INR approx. 9000 per month

Exam Centres

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET

Preparation Options

There are also 3 million IELTS test takers every year and only 25,000 OET takers. This means that there are far more preparation options for IELTS, ranging from a huge number of free options to online courses and coaching options. The range for OET is rather limited.

Cost of Coaching​

Cost of coaching is low which is approx. INR approx. 7000 per month whereas cost of coaching is more for OET which is INR approx. 9000 per month

Exam Centres

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET

Preparation Options

There are also 3 million IELTS test takers every year and only 25,000 OET takers. This means that there are far more preparation options for IELTS, ranging from a huge number of free options to online courses and coaching options. The range for OET is rather limited.

Cost of Examination​

Cost of IELTS examination is on the lower side which is approx. INR 15,000 whereas cost of the OET examination is on the higher side which is approx. INR 30,000. If the desired outcome is not meeting the criteria then retaking the OET tests multiple times proves to be very costly as compared to IELTS. Preparation of the test multiple times cost money, time and energy

Cost of Coaching​

Cost of coaching is low which is approx. INR approx. 7000 per month whereas the cost of coaching is more for OET which is INR approx. 9000 per month


Acceptance of IELTS is worldwide whereas acceptance of OET is limited to a few countries, not only for education purposes but also for Visa requirements

Exam Centres

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET

Test dates

Availability and choice of test dates is more as compared to OET where IELTS test dates are available throughout the year. Online test is availaible everyday and test centre dates are available for approx. 48 dates in a year whereas OET has 24 dates in a year

Preparation Options

There are also 3 million IELTS test takers every year and only 25,000 OET takers. This means that there are far more preparaon opons for IELTS, ranging from a huge number of free opons to online courses and coaching opons. The range for OET is rather limited.

Let's compare Canada, UK, UAE


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum

Middle East

On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum


On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum


On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per
Immigration Pathways

Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned

Middle East

UAE permanent residency pathways are not available


Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however, there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned. They have been liberal in the recent history with many stable pathways along with temporary pathways that keep opening from me to me.


UAE permanent residency pathways are not available


Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however, there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned. They have been liberal in the recent history with many stable pathways along with temporary pathways that keep opening from me to me.


UAE permanent residency pathways are not available

Social Benefits

1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors’ services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors’ services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000

Middle East

1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000


1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000


1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic

Shortage of Nurses in Canada

As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada

Middle East

As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada


As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada


As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada


As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada


As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada

Cost of education

Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum

Middle East

Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum

Cost of Living

On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum

Middle East

On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum


On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum


On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum


On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum


On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum

Language Requirement For Nurses

The most popular pathway to go the UK is the work pathway with language requirements of 7.0 in IELTS. Study pathways are also available with language requirements as low as 6.5, however language requirement of 7.0 in IELTS is required for Nursing License


The most popular pathway to go to Canada is the study pathway with language requirements as low as 6.0 in IELTS and having provisions to waive of the language requirements for nursing licensure exam

Middle East

The most popular pathway to go the UAE is the work pathway. In many cases there are no language requirement for the Nursing License


The most popular pathway to go the UK is the work pathway with language requirements of 7.0 in IELTS. Study pathways are also available with language requirements as low as 6.5, however language requirement of 7.0 in IELTS is required for Nursing License


The most popular pathway to go to Canada is the study pathway with language requirements as low as 6.0 in IELTS and having provisions to waive off the language requirements for nursing licensure exam


The most popular pathway to go the UAE is the work pathway. In many cases there are no language requirement for the Nursing License


The most popular pathway to go the UK is the work pathway with language requirements of 7.0 in IELTS. Study pathways are also available with language requirements as low as 6.5, however language requirement of 7.0 in IELTS is required for Nursing License


The most popular pathway to go to Canada is the study pathway with language requirements as low as 6.0 in IELTS and having provisions to waive off the language requirements for nursing licensure exam.


The most popular pathway to go the UAE is the work pathway. In many cases there are no language requirement for the Nursing License


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts

Middle East

Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration

Quality of life

The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity

Middle East

The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity

Cost of Living

On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum

Middle East

On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum

Language Requirement for Nurses

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts

Middle East

Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration

Quality of Life

The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity

Middle East

The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum

Middle East

On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum


On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum


On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per
Immigration Pathways

Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned

Middle East

UAE permanent residency pathways are not available


Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however, there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned. They have been liberal in the recent history with many stable pathways along with temporary pathways that keep opening from me to me.


UAE permanent residency pathways are not available


Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however, there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned. They have been liberal in the recent history with many stable pathways along with temporary pathways that keep opening from me to me.


UAE permanent residency pathways are not available

Social Benefits

1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors’ services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors’ services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000

Middle East

1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000


1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000


1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic

Shortage of Nurses in Canada

As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada

Middle East

As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada


As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada


As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada


As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada


As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada

Cost of education

Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum

Middle East

Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum

Cost of Living

On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum

Middle East

On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum

Language Requirement for Nurses

Availability and choice of IELTS Exam Centres is more as compared to OET


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts

Middle East

Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UK employment is bound by contracts of a fixed duration


Based on the most popular immigration pathway you have the freedom to choose where you work, the duration of your employment and even change your profession and you are not bound by any contracts


Based on the most popular immigration pathway, UAE employment is bound by contracts for a fixed duration

Quality of Life

The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity

Middle East

The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UK is 43 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of Canada is 23 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity


The ranking of UAE is 28 on quality of life based on stability, rights, health, safety, climate, costs and popularity

  • Canada/ UK/ Middle East

On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum

Middle East

On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum


On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per


On an average Nurses in UK make approx. 26,000 Pounds, 24-25 Lacs Per Annum


On an average Nurses in Canada make approx. CAD 72000, INR 44-45 Lacs Per Annum


On an average in UAE nurses make approx. 75000 AED, 16-17 Lacs Per
Immigration Pathways

Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned

Middle East

UAE permanent residency pathways are not available


Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however, there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned. They have been liberal in the recent history with many stable pathways along with temporary pathways that keep opening from me to me.


UAE permanent residency pathways are not available


Permanent Residency pathways are available for Nurses right now however, there is very less flexibility and the immigration policies change more often then other countries


Canada is very flexible as far as Immigration and residency is concerned. They have been liberal in the recent history with many stable pathways along with temporary pathways that keep opening from me to me.


UAE permanent residency pathways are not available

Social Benefits

1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors’ services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors’ services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000

Middle East

1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000


1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 20%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children upto 18 years of age

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during pandemic was approx. 500 Pounds


1. For residents the basic tax rate starts at 15%

2. For residents health insurance plan covers medically necessary hospital and doctors' services without any cost.

3. Public schools provide free education to all children studying in secondary and high school.

4. The average amount of individual cash benefits during the pandemic was approx. CAD 2,000


1. For residents and non-residents living in the UAE, there is no income tax whatsoever

2. The United Arab Emirates has universal healthcare, with healthcare provided for all nationals and mandatory health insurance for citizens of other countries. Employers are required to provide health insurance for expatriate workers

3.Education right now is not free in UAE and some of the good private schools charge a hefty fees

4. UAE did not provide any direct cash benefits to indivuduals during pandemic

Shortage of Nurses in Canada

As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada

Middle East

As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada


As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada


As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada


As on date there is requirement of approx. 44,000 nurses in the UK, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in the UK


As on date there is requirement of approx. 60,000 nurses in Canada, so they are widely acceptable and have high social status in Canada


As on date there is demand for Nurses but they are not acceptable and social status is not so high as compared to Canada

Cost of education

Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum

Middle East

Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is higher in the UK as compared to Canada approx. 12,000 Pounds, 12,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is lower in Canada approx. 16000 CAD, INR 10,00,000 per annum


Cost of education is similar as compared to Canada approx. 42,000 AED, INR 10,00,000 per annum

Cost of Living

On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum

Middle East

On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum


On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum


On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum


On an average the cost of living for one person in UK is approx. 2201 Pounds, INR 2,10,000 per month, INR 25 Lacs per annum


The national average living cost for one person is estimated at CAD 3,318, INR 200,000 per month, INR 24 lacs per annum


On an average the living costs in UAE for a single person is approx. 10,157 AED, INR 2,27,500 per month, INR 27 Lacs per annum

Language Requirement For Nurses