Ontario – A Dream Destination for Nursing Profession

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Importance of Mental Health in Nursing

Ontario, Canada’s most populous province with a population of more than 13.5 million, accounts for nearly 40 percent of all Canadians. To render healthcare services to people in Ontario through hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities, registered nurses and specialty nurse practitioners are needed more than ever in Ontario.

In present scenario, the biggest population of baby boomers who were born between 1946 and 1964 is getting old. As a result, their health care needs are also increasing at a rapid pace. At this time, the province’s ratio of 72 nurses to every 100,000 people lags behind the nation’s average of 83 nurses to every 100,000 Canadians. As per the Canadian Nurses Association prediction, there is a staggering demand of 60,000 nurses that is needed by the year 2022.

With continuously emerging trends in healthcare services, Ontario has become the top dream destination for patient care providers from all over the world. Plenty of job opportunities, best pay packages, government support, continuing education for specialization, cost of living and a rewarding career brings internationally educated nurses to Ontario to shape up their future.

Ontario’s Nursing Strategy

“The Nursing Strategy” – a Government of Ontario initiative, wrestles with the unpredictability in the nursing workforce on different grounds.Moreover, the government is stanch to move 70 per cent of Ontario’s nurses employed as full-time. To aid this initiative, the government funds a number of nursing employment tools, such as – the Best Practice Guidelines by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario and the Nursing Graduate Guarantee.

The credit goes to Nursing Graduate Guarantee, an Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care strategy, now all new nursing graduates are guaranteed to work for a minimum of 12 weeks. Apart from this, there are few nursing education funding opportunities provided by the Ontario government.

Ontario’s Nursing Scope

With the best educational standards and career scope for nurses, Ontario offers world-class infrastructure and technologically advanced healthcare system. If you are a nursing professional willing to move to Canada to pursue higher education in nursing and make a career in patient care industry, there are many options to land on this dream destination.

To find out what’s best for you, explore the website www.inscol.com.


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