Nurse Practitioners Bringing Value to Canadian Healthcare System

Table of Contents

What if we tell you all about a nurse practitioner, right here? We often get a bunch of questions about every single thing related to nurse practitioners. Where do they work? What all healthcare services do nurse practitioners provide? Can they replace other healthcare professionals?

First things first, what are Nurse Practitioners?

One can know a nurse practitioner as a registered nurse with additional education and nursing experience. A nurse practitioner treats the person as a whole-

  • Attends both the physical and mental health issues.
  • Gather the medical history of the patients.
  • Focuses on the aftereffects of the illness on the patients as well as their family.
  • Offers ways for people to lead a healthy life.
  • Teaches the patients how to deal with the chronic illness.

Overall, nurse practitioners are educators, researchers and thus an integral part of the health care system.

Nurse Practitioners in a Variety of Healthcare Settings!

If you’re wondering about where the nurse practitioners work, here you go-

    • Nursing homes
    • Community clinics
    • Healthcare centers
    • Doctor’s offices
    • Hospitals
    • Outpatient clinics
    • Nurse practitioner-led clinics

No, Nurse Practitioners Are Not Meant to Replace Other Healthcare Professionals

Nurse practitioners, instead, are meant to work hand in hand with other healthcare professionals. They surely are capable of diagnose and treat illness, treat chronic diseases, order tests and prescribe medications too. Most importantly, they are a part of the team.

Nurse Practitioners Bringing Value to Canadian Healthcare System

Studies and patients’ experiences show that nurse practitioners are excessively beneficial for our healthcare system.

      • They relate patients in the decisions concerned with their care.
      • They lessen the burden of the doctors.
      • They turn the primary health care way more accessible.
      • Patients rust and value nurse practitioners.
      • They provide top-quality administration of chronic illnesses like high blood pressure and diabetes, etc.

How old is the Profession?

The profession of nurse practitioners is not new in the field. They first appeared in Canada in the 1960s. Back then, they used to provide healthcare to in the far-flung areas. After a decade, in 1970s, the nurse practitioners were recognized and were in demand. Programs that are more educational were introduced. Since then, the evolution has been going on and the nurse practitioners are seen as an indispensable part of the healthcare industry.

For more such tips and information on nursing profession, you can explore INSCOL website.


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