Nurse Informatics- An Emerging Specialization for Nursing Professionals

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As technological advancement continues, exciting new career specializations also makes its way. One such specialization is Nurse Informatics; this area of nursing integrates healthcare and computer sciences with information technology.

How to get started in the field of Nursing Informatics (NI)?

Informatics nurse specialists are registered nurses who either have earned a degree in NI or have done specialization in the field. For earning an Informatics nursing degree candidate needs to go through a specialized master’s or doctoral program. Nurses with this specialization are often found in administrative positions rather than working in close proximity with the patients.

This specialized course trains nurses to adapt technology to facilitate healthcare goals, to support clinical decisions and manage govt. regulatory requirements. The area of study covers database management, software design and computer system analysis.

Career Summary

Nurse Informatics can work in a variety of settings including health systems, business, industry and academia. Again, they can work as CNI (Chief Nursing Informatics Officers), clinical analysts, and nurse data scientists. Their scope of practice includes involvement in the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of healthcare records of health system organizations. They also play a vital role in the integration of information technology into the workflow of nurses.

Career Paths you can take as a Nurse Informatics Specialists.

Nursing Informatics Specialists can find varied career options:

  • Nurse Communicators- Identify computer system needs and setting up trainings to educate users in the system.
  • Nurse Managers- Here the prime role is to manage information systems.
  • Nurse Programmers- To update, modify course of programs used by nurses in their jobs.
  • Nurse Vendor Representatives- Here the main job role is to design and display systems to potential customers.

With the extensive use of healthcare information technology, e-prescribing and electronic medical records, there is a tremendous growth for nurses with specialization in nurse informatics. In this era of technological advancements, opportunities in nursing profession is increasing and nurses are offered better pay packages than ever before.

If you are a nurse and want to specialize in your choice of field, have a look at the exclusive nursing programs offered by INSCOL and let the transformation to a Global Nurse begin!


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