Evolution of the Nursing Job Market in Canada

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Internationally educated nurses or IENs have made numerous contributions to the healthcare system and nursing in Canada. Today, the evolution of the nursing job market in Canada can be attributed to the numerous contributions made by the IENs. Too much repetition in this paragraph.

The government of Canada re-evaluates the human resource policies often with an aim to ensure that IENs keep migrating to Canada. In alignment with government rules and international organizations such as the International Council of Nurses, Canada recognizes and gives value to the human right of individual nurses to migrate.

With the help of nursing courses, training programs, and many nursing jobs, Canada has proven to be a very strong advocate in support of IENs who choose to shape a successful nursing career. Over the years, many attempts have been made by the Canadian government to inculcate the IENs within the healthcare system. This is mostly because the government depends on the IENs to fulfill the nursing requirement in Canada.

In this blog, we will have a look at the factors that led to the evolution of the nursing job market in Canada in detail. These factors will enable us to understand the trends of nursing in Canada, its reliance on the IENs, and the bright nursing career that can be shaped in Canada.

So let’s begin:

Nursing Education in Canada:

Nursing education has played a significant role in the quality of health care all through Canada’s history. A keen focus has been imposed on the quality of education and training provided to nurses for a relatively long period of time. However, the ultimate progress in the education and training standards came when the first nursing school was established in the year 1875.

The history of nursingin Canada suggests that nursing education has always been subject to subversion by countless external forces in the country. However, the Canadian government has been firm in its endeavor and an overriding goal of enabling nurse leaders to join together and present a strong voice in the support of nursing education. This thing continues to be as relevant in the present scenario as it was back in the day.

In the 1940s and 1950s, nursing in Canada was more focused on the baccalaureate degree. Simultaneously, an increasing focus was laid on the Canadian graduate nursing programs to further train nurses for leadership, teaching, and managerial roles as well.  It was the University of Western Ontario that first started the Master’s program in nursing in the year 1959. This was done in response to the need for creating better nursing roles and jobs for nurses.

As of today, many universities offer nursing courses in Canada, and the number of specializations continues to grow including education/teaching, leadership, and management, gerontology, mental health care, community/public health, nurse practitioner preparation, etc.

There are designated organizations that exchange information and ideas regarding university nursing education in different countries. In addition, IENs who choose to study nursing in Canada are offered desirable standards of nursing, strengthening nursing education in the Universities of Canada.

The impeccable growth of nursing education is one of the strong reasons behind the evolution of the nursing job market in Canada. High-quality nursing education attracts so many IENs that get hands-on training and suitable nursing jobs that uplift and strengthens the healthcare system of the country.

Implications of International Recruitment in Nursing in Canada:

IENs make up a good percentage of Canada’s nursing workforce. Many nursing graduates who migrate to Canada hail from countries like the Philippines and India. Historically,  any time Canada has faced a shortage of nurses, it has majorly relied on international recruitment to fulfill it.

To make sure that the nursing shortage in Canadian provinces does not escalate and become severe; strategies of international recruitment are a good solution. These strategies ensure that a regulated supply of nurses is maintained in the future. Nursing in Canada is dependent on workforce planning that entails decisions on the kind of emphasis that must be placed on increasing nursing school graduates.

An increasing number of efforts are always made to either recruit abroad or to encourage the resident IENs to become eligible for entering the nursing workforce. The normalization and expansion of nursing recruitment of IENs as a workforce plan has many implications for public safety, the viability of nursing as an independent and well-respected profession, and the sustainability and a bright future of the nursing workforce in Canada.

The authorities and nursing organizations are striving to become self-regulated when it comes to the recruitment of professionals from foreign countries. IENs are encouraged to get educated and trained in a way that they fill the nursing requirements in Canada. In turn, these nurses are offered a respectable career and a satisfactory personal lifestyle.

Recruitment of IENs for Staffing Strategy:

Importing the IENs in developed countries like Canada is a massive factor that rules the nurse staffing strategy. Canada offers better wages and working conditions as well, which can again be attributed to the influx of IENs. Additionally, nurses from countries like the Philippines are considered to be extremely loyal to the healthcare institution and much more trusting of the hospital. For this reason, the Canadian authorities are always keen on recruiting international nurses for better opportunities.

Nursing in Canada relies on migrant nurses because the nursing staff strategy is dependent on them. All the IENs are empowered and open to acceptance in Canada. They experience a warm reception from the start to the end of their journey. They experience the best possible form of a multicultural society while working and living in Canada.

Recruitment of international nurses fulfills many purposes in Canada including the nurse staffing strategy and a stronger healthcare system in the country. Their skills and experience are accepted and they are given many more chances to grow further in their profession. This further leads them to realize many of their capabilities, become skilled in important technical aspects of nursing practice, and develop into remarkable professionals.

In sum, recruiting IENs fulfills the nurse staffing strategy and enables Canadian healthcare institutions to meet their needs very well. This is a big positive because it ultimately helps Canada in building a strong, prompt, and long-lasting healthcare system.

Economic Benefits of International Recruitment:

The recruitment of IENs is not merely a couple of isolated activities but it is a combination of political and economic factors as well. This is particularly true in developed countries like Canada. The recruitment of IENs is rather profitable and has led to the evolution of jobs and healthcare in Canada. Nursing in Canada is a source of political and economical development for all the right reasons.

In addition, enrolling in nursing programs in Canada leads to a lucrative career in the long run.   After graduating from these programs, nurses are liable to find well-paying jobs for themselves for a number of reasons. This leads nurses to live a rather satisfactory life. Multiple efforts to regulate the propagation of nursing programs might get thwarted many times by the ones who are in higher authorities.

All in all, the fact of the matter is that the international recruitment of nurses ends up in benefitting many individuals, organizations, nursing unions, healthcare settings, and countries altogether. It is a suitable career option for nurses who are seeking a good career and it is a source of development for countries like Canada at the same time.


The international recruitment of nurses has led to easy, seamless, and efficient healthcare systems all across the world. It helps the talented nurses to escape from hardships, build a new life, and make exceptional contributions to another part of the world that needs a stronger healthcare system.

This migration trend has led to the evolution of the nursing job market in Canada while making the multiple healthcare settings that make up the industry of the country a highly robust, competent, and efficient one.


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