The COVID-19 pandemic caused a massive disruption in the healthcare systems all across the world. This disruption was to a point that hospitals and other healthcare settings around the world were faced with an influx of patients like never before. There came a situation when temporary hospitals were also being set up to deal with and treat patients. The upheaval caused by COVID-19 led many countries all around the world to think about the hospital infrastructure, communication between doctors, nurses, and patients, and the need for better healthcare.
In addition, an increasing need for remote care along with a rising influx of patients has resulted in the expansion of healthcare infrastructure and a need for a better communication system. An important part of delivering better healthcare facilities is employing more nurses. This is because nursing care includes collaborative and autonomous care of individuals belonging to all age groups, communities, families by a skilled person or a nurse.
Realizing the importance of nurses all over the world, countries are doing all that they can to offer the best education and training, employment, and development opportunities to the nurses. Where countries such as Canada offer the best nursing courses in Canada, countries like the UK and the US offer the best employment opportunities to the nurses.
Global Importance of Nurses:
Nurses are trained professionals who are responsible for promoting health and prevention of diseases. They assist the patients to cope up with their illnesses and help them through all kinds of medical procedures. In addition, nurses are responsible for assessing the patients, giving them medicines, and the required treatments by creating and managing a nursing care plan.
Nursing care also includes the prevention and cure of all diseases. It includes approaches to personalized care with more safety, comfort, and efficiency. Hence, it goes without saying that nurses are like the pillars of the healthcare system. The role that they play strengthens the ability of a region to deliver good healthcare. It is for this reason that growth is expected in the global nursing market by the year 2025.
Countries like America, Europe, and Canada are on their way to dominate the global nursing market because they are willing to invest in high healthcare expenditures. In order to ensure that the increased prevalence of diseases gets reduced, an increasing number of efforts are being made that promote health and well-being. Examples of the Canadian government offering 2-year nursing programs in Canada or the UK government offering lucrative jobs to the nurses are evident of that fact.
Below, we will look at the 5 reasons that determine the expected growth in the global nursing market by 2025.
1. Shortage of Skilled Nurses: The fear that the nursing market will be limited with a shortage of doctors, consultants, nurses, and caregivers in the developed and developing countries lead the governments of different countries to take requisite measures that encourage hiring more nurses. The developing and developed countries have been facing a shortage of healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, which has further led to an increase in the demand for nurses.
In order to avert any more shortages of nurses and midwives all across the world, the prestigious World Health Organization has called out countries all over the world to invest in educating, training, and employing more nurses at the earliest. It has been acknowledged by the W.H.O that the developed countries are facing a shortage because there is a lack of right skills, lack of education, and work experience that must be provided to the candidates.
Hence, going forward, the shortage of nursing personnel will be met with a detailed plan of action and extensive recruitment drives will be held around the world. Not just this, the global health workforce will also be strengthened by finding all probable gaps in the nursing workforce and priority areas for investment in the nursing job, leadership, and education.
Nurses make for more than half of the total health workers providing vital services all over the health system. Empowering nurses in a way that they manage epidemics and pandemics that threaten healthcare across the globe can only happen if nurses are educated and trained with the best nursing courses in Canada or other countries.
2. Better Healthcare Delivery: The most important thing that is needed for better healthcare delivery all over the world is the employment of nurses. This is done by offering more and more nurses opportunities that lead to a developed nursing care market. The knowledge that nurses make offering effective healthcare possible plays a fundamental role in strengthening healthcare delivery.
Amongst other things that will ensure the growth of the global nursing market by 2025, one of the most important is hiring more nurses. Although strategies like the launch of integrated care services, implementation of remote patient monitoring, and the health management programs play an important role as well, educating and hiring nurses is being taken very seriously. We can already see the governments of countries like Canada offering the best 2-year nursing programs in Canada.
Other than this, the player adopted strategies in the nursing care market also include expansion with wide hiring of nursing professionals. To take the best advantage of the opportunities, organizations like the W.H.O and International Council of Nurses recommend countries all over the world to increase the recruitment of more nurses in emerging markets with expanded collaborations, better benefits, and streamlined processes.
3. Effective Operations of Healthcare Systems: Nursing professionals play a major role in ensuring effective communication and streamlined operations in the healthcare systems. With the assistance of the nursing professionals, the healthcare setting runs efficiently and effective communication is enabled in the entire healthcare setting.
Furthermore, even patients, clinicians, and other healthcare givers reach a position wherein they can enhance patient satisfaction and enhance the quality of care. Owing to these benefits, nurses have become an important part of all the healthcare systems.
The effectiveness of a healthcare delivery system relies majorly on how efficient are the nurses in that particular system. Therefore, one thing is extremely clear across all circumstances and that is to ensure the recruitment and hiring of the nursing professionals.
For effective implementation of healthcare delivery, the public and private authorities are encouraged massively to invest in the training, education, and recruitment of nursing professionals. This does not only make sure that the healthcare setting becomes efficient, but it also gives nurses their due credit.
4. A rise in Geriatric Population and Chronic Diseases: The global nursing care market is expected to be driven by a significant rise in the rising incidences of chronic disorders that can mostly be attributed to a sedentary and extremely unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the prevalence of chronic diseases is likely to increase the number of people who have disabilities over the coming years.
Since most of the world population does not engage in activities, a common cause of global mortality rate has become physical inactivity. The lifestyle of physical inactivity is said to increase in the future because an increasing number of jobs either require their employees to sit at home or at the office for a long time.
In addition, the total share of the geriatric or the aging population is also increasing at a significantly rapid rate. Hence, an increase in a sedentary lifestyle along with a growth in the population of the elderly is expected to increase the demand for nursing services. This further leads the countries to increase the funding to educate and employ more nurses. In addition to the nursing courses in Canada, there are efforts being made in Asia, Europe, and America to train nurses with the necessary skills.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has also offered a timely opportunity to the global nursing care market for addressing the surge in demand for nurses and taking the right measures to contain any possible outbreaks in the future. Employing nurses can help in screening and improving the overall preparedness needed for countering the pandemic.
5. Balancing the Supply and Demand of Nursing Professionals: The state of global healthcare has been widely affected because of a rising gap in the supply and demand of nursing professionals. Nursing is defined as the diagnosis and treatment of human responses to the present or probable health problems.
Nursing professionals do much more than just caring for physical and psychological symptoms. In simple terms, the doctors function to care but the nurse’s function to care, and without any of the two healthcare delivery is not possible. A gap in the demand and supply of nurses has driven more and more countries to recruit nursing professionals for striking a balance in the demand and supply of nursing professionals.
Realizing perfectly well that the healthcare systems cannot function properly without nurses, efforts are being made to encourage nurses to offer evidence-based knowledge, convey empathy, kindness, and concern so that the patients can be taken care of holistically.
The nursing global market will increase because nurses play multidimensional roles in making the healthcare system a strong one. They are educators, who guide patients and their families to maintain optimal health and wellness by taking the right medications and taking appropriate measures that prevent diseases.
A nurse promotes, encourages, and strives to protect the good health, safety, and well-being of the patients. All this is extremely important in building a progressive world and so, it is only evitable that the nursing job market will be growing in the upcoming period.
For an effective filling up of the nursing shortage that prevails in all parts of the world, the global nursing market is expected to rise by the year 2025. Owing to the role that the nurses play in making the healthcare delivery strong, the authorities all across the world are realizing the importance of educating, training, and recruiting more nurses.
All the points that are mentioned above are explanatory of the fact that nursing as a profession is slated for unprecedented growth all across the world. If you are a nurse who aspires to shape a successful career, now is the time to make the most out of the opportunities by taking action.