Online Sources for Nursing Updates

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Global Nursing Programs

In the current day the internet is flooded with information, which is usually correct, sometimes incorrect and other times completely useless! Traditionally, books, journals, and school/college have been enough to enlighten ourselves about issues at hand. However, the internet is, and always will be, a magic knowledge box. No print media can ever cover the immediacy and the interactivity that the internet offers. You no longer have to wait for the newspaper in the morning to find out what’s going on in the world.

The existence of new media and online resources has made message distribution extremely interactive through podcasts, RSS feeds, social networks, text messaging, blogs, wikis, etc. The world of a student is virtual now.

Even though there’s a lot going on in almost every sector of the society, the internet is now able to target niche audiences such as nurses. The smaller the targeted group; the greater the penetration of information.

Are you looking for online resources for nursing updates? Listed below are useful websites for nursing students and professionals. Have a look –

Looking for Nursing Communities?

Listed below are websites that allow you to join communities and enjoy guidance from highly-experienced nurses. These websites are not only for your guidance but also for you to make connections with other nurses within your field, get great resources, news, jobs, education and more. You can also join discussion forums on contemporary topics.


Looking to Support Nurses through Nursing-Dedicated Organizations?

Nursing organizations not only offer networking, they also offer certifications and much more.

  • If you want to help advocate for Canadian nurses, you can join the Canadian Nurses Association.
  • If you want to be part of the voice which represents nursing students in Canada, you can join the Canadian Nursing Students’ Association.
  • The International Council of Nurses is an organization meant to support nurses worldwide.

Looking for Nurse Humor?

Nursing can seem like it’s all about studying, and then even more studying. Here, we have listed websites that will help you see the lighter side of nursing –

  • NursingFun
  • Alternative Medical Dictionary
  • Nurstoon
  • The Nurse Friendly

We know that it’s not possible to visit every website mentioned above. However, keep in mind that a nurse should never underestimate the power of being updated. A nurse always goes above and beyond the call of duty. That’s why being a nurse is considered equal to having a superpower! If you are a nurse graduate and you want to pursue a career in a country like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and the US, there are plenty of opportunities. The key is to select the right specialized nursing program for you.


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