Why will nursing programs in Gerontology be high demand in the future?

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Aging is inevitable as it’s a stage of life. n response to the urgencies and demand of the aging population, the field of geriatric medicine and the associated educational program viz., ‘Post Graduate Certificate in Gerontology’ has witnessed a significant boost in the past few decades. The standalone discipline defines the core values, knowledge and the essential clinical skills required to enhance the health & well-being of the aging population.

The field of Geriatric Medicine, which is commonly referred to as Gerontology, is the study of social, biological and psychological changes in older adults as they age. Unlike others, this is a multi-disciplinary field which encompasses probably all aspects of medical care. Though healthcare sector has progressed substantially in all fields of medical care, there remains much more to be done and attained in the field of geriatric medicine to provide palliative care and meet healthcare needs of the aging people.

The serious shortage of healthcare or nursing personnel will result in significant gaps in the health and healthcare of the aging people. If you are concerned about the socio-demographic trend and characteristics, Gerontology is a field that can offer you a perfect hybrid career. Since the ratio of the aging population and number of greontology professionals s not in the right proportion, this certifies that the nursing programs are high in demand. And, this demand will grow rapidly in the future.

Since nursing professionals need to serve the aging population with the holistic approach, it becomes necessary for them to be trained, educated, and qualified. Canada’s leading colleges and institutes of medical education have plenty of programs in geriatric medicine. The internationally educated nurses (IENs) must pursue such programs like ‘Post Graduate Certificate in Gerontology’ to meet the increasing demand for nursing professionals specialized in Gerontology.

Programs like the Post Graduate Certificate in Gerontology aims to offer

  • Teaching in the traditional and contemporary settings, both at the medical institutes and in the community;
  • Training IENs and other nursing professionals to have expertise in the geriatric medicine;
  • Set of learnings to promote and foster the principal goals of geriatric medicine.

The specialized programs in the geriatric medicine are meant to ensure that every older adult receives high-quality, patient-focused healthcare. The shortage of healthcare professionals who specialize in Geriatrics will be high on demand in future so will the associated programs be. Besides, this is the responsibility of the youth not to jeopardize the health of aging population when social, institutional and educational resources are available to serve the purpose.


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